If you want a high-converting sales funnel, you need this...

hurry - before we raise the price...

done for you funnel... including Funnel page COPY!

Get Your Funnel Gorgeously Designed...

With the Copy Done-for-You For Only $8700 $87

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Why should you do this...

  • ...Because you've been procrastinating on setting up a funnel for months or maybe even years.

  • You can bring in as many clients as you want on autopilot

  • You don't have to stress about funnel tech or writing copy

  • It's exhausting trying to do everything yourself

  • And last but not least! You get access to my team of expert funnel strategists- who know exactly what it takes to build a high-converting funnel

Get in before we come to our senses and take it down! You won't see an offer like this (and especially by a team of our caliber) anywhere else on the planet!

Done-FOR-YOU FUNNEL design & copy:

Everything you need to get clients consistently:

  • Done-for-you funnel design
  • Done-for-you funnel copy
  • One-on-one private planning session to plan your sales strategy
  • Four weeks of group coaching calls

Why am I doing this for more than 99% off?

I know that if I blow your socks off with this offer, giving you 100x the value you're paying, you're that much more likely to come to our events, contribute to our community, and buy stuff from me in the future.

For $87 you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by having your funnel designed and written for you by my world-class team.

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