Want to Share Your Expertise with Hundreds, Even Thousands of People...

Gain an Unfair Advantage Selling Your Programs, Products, and Services With A Gorgeous Designer Funnel... Without Having to Do Any Tech

Thousands of our clients are bringing in leads and sales every day with their own professionally designed sales funnel and we want you to be making sales every day automatically too! 

Want to have your sales funnel BUILT FOR YOU for FREE! Say what?? Yes, a Designer DFY Funnel so that within a just few days you can have a fully functioning (and gorgeously designed!) funnel to attract boatloads of your ideal clients.

Keep reading for all the juicy details... Or... 

Statistics show that the demand for

online courses is


And chances are they can't find you right now!

To help you get started right away, I’m giving you a Funnel Map (it's on this page), so you know exactly what needs to go in your Course Funnel. This map will show you the steps in your funnel, the order everything needs to happen, and the exact tech you need to run it all.

Statistics show that the demand for

online courses is


And chances are they can't find you right now!

To help you get started right away, I’m giving you a Funnel Map (it's on this page), so you know exactly what needs to go in your Course Funnel. This map will show you the steps in your funnel, the order everything needs to happen, and the exact tech you need to run it all.

Let’s be honest, 

every business runs into the same problem:

It can only grow as fast as you can build it.   

And building a funnel on your own typically takes months!  

Learning eight different platforms you need...

Connecting all the tech...

Trying to make it look good enough to use...

Up until now, the only alternative was either forgoing a funnel altogether or hiring someone expensive to build it for you.

Keep Reading to Solve Your Funnel Problem FOREVER... With ZERO Tech Headaches for you. PLUS learn how to get that FREE DFY funnel.

I hear this from 

clients all the time:

“Tammy, I don’t have any idea where to start to actually build the thing OR I already tried, have all the expensive platforms and plugins to do it, but it’s way harder than I thought it would be.”

It’s overwhelming and the template you bought is NOT a simple cut-and-paste kind of thing.

So there it sits.

And there all the money goes without anything coming in to show for it.

I hear this from clients all the time:

“Tammy, I don’t have any idea where to start to actually build the thing OR I already tried, have all the expensive platforms and plugins to do it, but it’s way harder than I thought it would be.”

It’s overwhelming and the template you bought turns out NOT to be a simple cut-and-paste kind of thing.

So there it sits.

And there all the money goes without anything coming in to show for it.

This happens to more clients than I can count. 

 But here’s the truth that no one is really talking about:

The technology exists to make this super simple. You don’t need 15 different platforms and tools to make a funnel work. It CAN be done in ONE platform quick and easy.

I mean really, look at all the technology around us… cell phones, smart TVs, smart thermostats, and devices that talk to you, shop for you, and read bedtime stories to your kids all throughout your house.

Yet we’re expected to believe that funnel technology is just hard and complicated and can’t be built without a million platforms and a constant headache from stress and overwhelm?!

I know the technology exists because

my team built it.

This happens to more clients than I can count. 

 But here’s the truth that no one is really talking about:

The technology exists to make this super simple. You don’t need 15 different platforms and tools to make a funnel work. It CAN be done in ONE platform quick and easy.

I mean really, look at all the technology around us… cell phones, smart TVs, smart thermostats, and devices that talk to you, shop for you, and read bedtime stories to your kids all throughout your house.

Yet we’re expected to believe that funnel technology is just hard and complicated and can’t be built without a million platforms and a constant headache from stress and overwhelm?!

I know the technology exists because

my team built it.

Now, with our Quick-Build Technology™️ a funnel can be built and launched in just hours. A fully functional funnel that works right out of the gate AND it’s designed to create conversions better than any other platform out there.

Not only that - it’s beautiful. This platform builds expensive looking pages that you’d think designers spent weeks on!

But get this… this platform is powered by a “Conversion Intelligence System™️” so you get more opt-ins and more sales on every page of your funnel too.

This is disruptive technology and it's going to make some “other” platforms very unhappy. It's turned out to be one of the most powerful platforms on the planet for coaches, course creators, and service providers.

But enough of the technical stuff, let me get to the BEST part:

You don’t even have to build your first funnel, my team will!

Get a Done-For-You Funnel for a Do-It-Yourself Price When You Join:

Just $297 per month including pretty much every software platform you need to bring in clients online ONLY for the next 200 business owners to join the FunnelCures™️ Family!

FunnelCures saves you thousands of dollars by replacing your funnel builder, your autoresponder, your messenger bot platform, your website builder, your hosting platform, your ad management platform, your survey and application builder, your scheduling app, and so much more!  PLUS... the DFY funnel is priceless!


This is a limited time offer when you join the FunnelCures platform. My team will build your Course Funnel for you, so you can start selling your course immediately without feeling the guilt of spending money on a funnel platform that is waiting on you to figure it out, build it, and launch it.

That means we'll build:

  • Funnel pages
  • ​Email connections
  • ​Email triggers
  • ​Email follow-up campaigns
  • ​Order form
  • ​Product set-up
  • ​Course login delivery
  • ​Abandon cart follow-up campaign

That's right!  Everything you see here on the Sales Funnel Map... We'll create all if it for you!

And it will look incredible with a high level of design that grabs attention. 

No homemade, low budget looks here - that’s the kiss of death for any coach or consultant!

Here's a sneak peak at just a couple of our designer-crafted funnels:

You’ll get a premium design and high conversion functionality all done-for-you.  

Each design is gorgeous and customized for a color palette you love...  Just fill in the copy template included and your funnel is ready to share with the world! 

So, not only is this a true all-in-one funnel platform (I’ll show you everything it replaces in a minute), but it’s an all-in-one-techitis AND design CURE too!

Just $297 per month including pretty much every software platform you need to bring in clients online PLUS a FREE done-for-you funnel ONLY for the next 200 business owners to join the FunnelCures™️ Family!

We built FunnelCures to be a 

COMPLETE platform.

So you don’t need to get frustrated by duct-taping different services together & paying thousands per month to run your online business. Most clients are saving between $500 and $1000 PER MONTH on their platform fees by switching to FunnelCures.

Fix your business growth problem with a Done-For-You funnel and a marketing automation tool that grows with you… forever.

This platform builds freedom for coaches and course creators, really! You can bring in leads, sales, calls, whatever you need while you live life.

But you need to know you’re not just getting a funnel platform, you’re buying an entire marketing solution.

Hey, I’m no stranger to the nightmare of funnel builds. I can remember spending six months on my first funnel!

I spent sooo much time (and money) on it. Buying software after software. Purchasing templates. Learning the tech.

Only to have it come out looking somehow homemade and really not something that positioned me as trustworthy enough to buy from!

I didn’t even have anyone to turn to and ask what I needed to do to fix it.

From that point on, I was so afraid to try again. If someone mentioned the word “funnel” my response was cynical and full of sarcasm.

We built FunnelCures™️ to be a 

COMPLETE platform.

So you don’t need to get frustrated by duct-taping different services together & paying thousands per month to run your online business. Most clients are saving between $500 and $1000 PER MONTH on their platform fees by switching to FunnelCures™️.

Fix your business growth problem with a Done-For-You funnel and a marketing automation tool that grows with you forever.

This platform builds freedom for coaches, course creators, and service providers. You can bring in leads, sales, calls, whatever you need while you live life.

But you need to know you’re not just getting a funnel platform, you’re buying an entire marketing solution.

Hey, I’m no stranger to the nightmare of funnel builds. I can remember spending six months on my first funnel.

I spent sooo much time (and money) on it.  Buying software after software. Purchasing templates. Learning the tech.  

Only to have it come out looking somehow homemade and really not something that positioned me as trustworthy enough to buy from!

I didn’t even have anyone to turn to and ask what I needed to do to fix it.

From that point on, I was so afraid to try again. If someone mentioned the word “funnel” my response was cynical and full of sarcasm. 

And now I see entrepreneurs struggling every day to get their funnels working.

The biggest reasons are:

Now, problem #1 solved with Funnel Design Lab.

In Funnel Design Lab we'll help you find the perfect, fastest to get working funnel for your business.

As soon as they have a working funnel, our clients are seeing immediate wins and going on to sell tens-of-thousands of dollars of their programs, products, and services every month.

Problem #2, solved.

Now, I know tech has probably been holding you back from growing your business the way you want... right?! But right here, right now, only on this page, we're going to handle all of the tech by BUILDING YOUR FUNNEL FOR YOU! PLUS FunnelCures™️ brings all the tech under one roof and makes it easy for you to manage it all from one simple dashboard.

Problem #3 is fixed too.

Now... any old funnel won't cut it if your funnel looks "homemade" or is just simply an ugly old school template design, there is no way it is going to position you as a leader in your niche! And that's going to hurt sales.

That's why we have industry-leading branding and design experts on our team who will build the most gorgeous funnel for you!  

Just $297 per month and it includes every software platform you need to bring in clients online!

And now I see entrepreneurs struggling every day to get their funnels working.

The biggest reasons are:

Now, we’ve solved problem #1 with the Funnel MatchMaker.

Your perfect, fastest to get working funnel for your business is the Tribe-Builder Funnel. (Be sure to save the Tribe-Builder Funnel Map we've emailed you so you know every piece you need to get your funnel working.)  

As soon as they have a working Tribe-Builder Funnel, our clients are growing their lists by THOUSANDS per month and going on to sell-out their courses, coaching, and services.

Problem #2, solved.

Now, I know tech has probably been holding you back from growing your business the way you want... right?!  But right here, right now, only on this page, we're going to handle all of the tech by BUILDING YOUR FUNNEL FOR YOU!  PLUS FunnelCures™️ brings all the tech under one roof and makes it easy for you to manage it all from one simple dashboard.

Problem #3 is fixed too.

Now... any old funnel won't cut it if your funnel looks "homemade" or is just simply an ugly old school template design, there is no way it is going to position you as a leader in your niche!  And that's going to hurt sales.

That's why we have industry-leading branding and design experts on our team who will build the most gorgeous funnel for you!  

Just $297 $149 per month and it includes every software platform you need to bring in clients online!

The biggest problem of all - building it.

I want to pull the curtain back and show you EVERYTHING FunnelCures can do

(As if getting a funnel built for you isn’t enough!)

Spoiler Alert: This is where we get a little techy and nerdy, 

so click here if you want to skip ahead and see the package deal and short version

FunnelCures is a brand new technology 

(like nothing else out there) that combines:

The biggest reasons are:

Funnel Builder/Page Designer:

Unlimited beautiful, easy funnel page designer (think Clickfunnels - average cost $297 per month)

Email Marketing:

Unlimited contacts (like ActiveCampaign for $105-$269 per month)

Shopping Cart:

Unlimited transactions that run through Stripe (SamCart is $49 a month)

Membership Platform:

Create and sell online courses and monthly memberships while protecting your intellectual property with a gorgeous password-protected membership site. (Think Kajabi, Thinkific or Teachable and runs $149+ a month for unlimited courses.)

Prospect Management:

Automated follow up via text, email, or voice drops. Unlimited users and contacts. (This replaces Pipedrive, SalesForce or Close.io and runs $149 a month.)

Okay, pause...deep breath… super nerdy moment happening.

This is my FAVORITE feature. No other funnel building platform in existence does this!

Ad Tracking:

Facebook & Google API to get better performance with your ads, no limit on revenues tracked. (Hyros costs a whopping $800 a month!)

Calendar Booking:

Unlimited Users. (Like Acuity or Calendly $45 a month)

Text Marketing:

The ability to text clients automatically as part of your follow-up! Text messages get a 98% open rate vs. emails 23%. (EZTexting is $49 a month)

Form Builder:

Multistage applications fully integrated for email, text, and voicedrop follow-ups. REMOVE unqualified applicants automatically! (Gravity Forms, Wufoo Forms, TypeForm $30 a month)

Chat Feature:

AI powered chat funnels across your website, funnel pages, and blog. (Intercom $79 a month)

Messenger Feature:

Contact prospects through Facebook Messenger and build Messenger funnels. Unlimited contacts. (ManyChat $29 a month)

Website Builder

Beautifully design with a simple click that rivals any professionally built sites. (Wix $29 a month)

Website and Funnel Hosting:

Run your site and funnels from a central location with the extra expense. (HostGator $50 a month)

Website Security & Updates:

Full Funnel Build:

Done-For-You Funnel Build (Minimum cost is $2500 - $25,000)

All of this can cost you $1,881 a month (PLUS $2500+ for your funnel build costs) to duck tape together ALL of the different platforms needed to make your funnel work. In addition, you have to manage and troubleshoot ALL of those different platforms.

That makes NO sense If you’re a coach or course creator growing your business. Not financially, not timewise, and certainly not sanity-wise!

So what’s the cost of FunnelCures AND the Done-For-You Funnel?

It’s just $297 per month.

That’s right. Let me repeat that just in case you’re rubbing eyes to make sure you read that right… 

You can join FunnelCures™️ and get all the features above for $297 per month. That includes my team building your Funnel for you.

(Only 200 spots available at this price!)

Say what?? I must be crazy...

Now comes the famous words:

But that’s not all!!

Now comes the famous words:

But that’s not all!!


that’s not all....

I want to make sure that you have everything you could ever need to experience incredible results as quickly as possible. So I’m throwing in:

Funnel Design Lab™️. We'll walk you through step-by-step to the exact gorgeous funnel that will work best for your business. We'll help you choose the right look-and-feel, the right color palette and all the other bits that go into a gorgeous looking funnel. And then we'll build that design for you!

The Funnel Lab™️ Community. This will be your place to ask questions and talk about what you’re building, the results you're getting, and celebrate with other FunnelCures™️ peeps. We’ve found that communities like The Funnel Lab™️ are the best all around support structure for succeeding and... we can’t wait for you to be there as part of our family.

At this point, you are probably thinking this is just too good to be true. But it’s not. Remember I said that the technology exists, it just hasn’t been made available to coaches and course creators because ALL those other platforms wouldn’t make any money if you knew about it.

It’s my mission to get a working funnel in the hands of every coach and course creator who does powerful work in the world.

I want this to be an easy decision for you. I want it to be an instant no-brainer. But I also want you to feel good about your decision. 

So let’s look at the logical side of this and let me answer some questions.

The most common reason coaches and course creators can’t grow their business is they’re doing it as ONE person without any marketing automation in place. And the reason they don’t have any marketing automation like funnels helping them grow their business is because --->>>

A funnel sells your programs, products, and services on autopilot, so you can start bringing in leads and clients every day. You're free to enjoy life while sales are rolling in!

You have an alternative to piecing together all the different tech - Funnel Cures™️. You now know that the technology exists to make this problem obsolete. It just doesn’t have to be a problem anymore.

While there are always things you have to learn in order to run and grow your business, we’ve made FunnelCures™️ as simple as possible and we have a very thorough onboarding process to walk you through it step-by-step.

And, you don’t have to build your first funnel, we will. There’s nothing time-consuming or complicated about that for you (us either!)

With a true all-in-one platform that is the ONLY one like it on the planet, your funnel and marketing is no longer a logistical nightmare.

The biggest reason funnels “break” is because one of the connections in the myriad of platforms you had to connect to your funnel has a problem. Usually it’s a simple matter of an API connection that just needs to be reset. But you don’t know that. 

FunnelCures keeps it all under ONE roof, so your funnel isn’t a Frankenstein creation that is clunky and terrifying.

Most funnel platforms I know of won’t tell you that in addition to purchasing their platform, you also need to purchase (at a minimum):

  • An email software
  • ​A calendar software
  • ​An application or form software
  • ​A payment processing software
  • ​And MORE

Instead of offering a funnel solution and then saying, “By the way, you need to pick up a few more things in order for this to work” after checkout… we provide everything you need.

If you’re worried about your funnel actually getting sales for your course, let me remind you: Remember I mentioned that FunnelCures is powered by a “Conversion Intelligence System” so that you get more opt-ins and more sales on every page of your funnel. This means that it just works better at getting you results.

Here’s a piece of jaw-dropping data about FunnelCures™️ funnels we're building for clients just like you...

Our clients are converting up to 18% of visitors into purchasers!

How does that make you feel about getting good results with your Done-For-You Funnel?

Just $297 per month and it includes every software platform you need to bring in clients online!

We like to think we’ve thought of everything with you at the center of it. You deserve to grow your business easier, faster, and without complicated, stress-inducing, tech madness.

FunnelCures™️ is your forever tool! Not only do you get an immediate solution but one that grows with you.

You can continue on with all the different platforms, piecing together and learning to use or troubleshoot each one.

You should know, you’ll have to check each platform regularly to make sure nothing has broken. API keys break, links stop working, and plugins break entire landing pages all the time. So make sure you set a schedule for checking on the tech and testing to make sure all is working properly. Or hire a tech team. It’s a lot to keep up with.

Is this really sustainable, practical, or even profitable? For a coach or consultant? No, it’s not.

We like to think we’ve thought of everything with you at the center of it. You deserve to grow your business easier, faster, and without complicated, stress-inducing, tech madness.

FunnelCures™️ is your forever tool! Not only do you get an immediate solution but one that grows with you.

You can continue on with all the different platforms, piecing together and learning to use or troubleshoot each one.

You should know, you’ll have to check each platform regularly to make sure nothing has broken. API keys break, links stop working, and plugins break entire landing pages all the time. So make sure you set a schedule for checking on the tech and testing to make sure all is working properly. Or hire a tech team. It’s a lot to keep up with.

Is this really sustainable, practical, or even profitable? For a coach or course creator? No, it’s not.

A true all-in-one platform with the newest technology designed to build beautiful funnels that are highly functional and actually get conversions is a more practical solution.

Add a funnel built for you and you have the ability to be profitable immediately!

FunnelCures™️ is the fix. There is NO OTHER platform offering what FunnelCures™️ offers and there’s definitely NO OTHER platform offering to build a beautiful, functional Course Funnel for you, so you can increase your sales without lifting a finger (at no additional cost).

You can do this for just $297 per month!

Wait, is this for real? I know you’re thinking this is too good to be true, but we’ve built a platform that isn't like anything else out there. With this unheard of technology, we can get a funnel built in as little as 48 hours that looks AMAZING. And it’s functional too, it works seamlessly with email, FB ads, Google Ads, and more.

It gets better and better and better…

This is your FOREVER tool. We’ll get your first funnel built. We’ll even coach you through the process of getting everything together that your funnel needs (so don’t worry if you don’t have your content yet).

You’ll have the ability to build as many funnels as you want while the one we build for you is growing your business fast.

Our goal is for you to experience success with the right funnel immediately.

Then give you the tools you need to continue to grow your business with incredible, easy, and functional automation that in this day and age, every coach and course creator needs to succeed.

And you can do it all for a cost that makes business sense.

FunnelCures™️ was built after years of working with clients whose business growth kept getting stalled by overwhelm, difficult tech, expensive platforms, and automation that just wasn’t doing what was needed.

My clients became the bottleneck because the tech was too complicated and overwhelming or they didn’t have enough:

  • Time
  • ​Money
  • ​Know how
  • ​Confidence
  • ​Clarity

Some tried. They hit funnels with everything they had based on what worked for others. These clients didn’t realize that a funnel must be unique to your business and it’s growth stage or all it does is contribute to your expenses.

That’s when I said ENOUGH! And built something better.


We’re a female-founded software powered by the total obsession with empowering coaches and course creators, and that’s something you can’t fake!

That’s why we’re making a highly unusual offer and opportunity that, I can honestly say, won’t be around forever. We will not be offering done-for-you funnels forever or such affordable pricing.


We’ve already had over 7,000 businesses use the underlying software with incredible success, so it’s proven, and I’m 100% confident in FunnelCures™️ supporting you as you step into your next level as a profitable course owner.

And now that our Quick-Build Technology™️ allows us to gift you a DFY funnel at a DIY price... it's a complete no brainer for you!

You’ll have plenty of time to explore all the unheard of features and never before seen technology, but you won’t have to learn ANY of it to experience results RIGHT NOW. (Because your funnel is done-for-you).


Now, you can certainly take your quiz results and hire a freelancer who specializes in building funnels. But I have to warn you...the latest search results on the cost of this service is staggering. See below.

You can have a FunnelCures™️ membership AND a done-for-you Tribe-Builder Funnel up and running for 8 years and still not have spent as much as it can cost to pay someone to build your funnel!

A sneak peak at just of few more of the DFY funnel designs we've done... Your funnel could look just as gorgeous as these ones and be in your hot little hands growing your business this week!

The funnel so gorgeous they can't help but buy!

The funnel so gorgeous it positions you as a niche leader!

The funnel so gorgeous your list practically grows itself!

Here’s what FunnelCures™️ replaces:

Just $297 per month and it includes every software platform you need to bring in clients online!

I know what you’re thinking next…”Tammy, I know you’re going to build a funnel for me and I don’t need to do anything immediately, but at some point, I need to know how to use this platform too… How is this any different from any of the other overwhelming tech out there?”

Myself and my team have created an everything-but-the-kitchen-sink onboarding process for you to make sure you know all the ins and outs of the platform. In addition, you’ll have access to The Funnel Lab for support. It’s your private Q&A community and sounding board to build, deploy, and celebrate with.

We’ve looked at everything that’s wrong with all the other solutions out there and fixed it.

We value community and know it takes one to grow a business

We also know that if we give you tools that actually work, are proven, and include the support you need to use those tools, that you’ll have a forever tool that grows your business for years to come.

One last thing. If you’ve tried other funnel platforms and technology before, I know you may feel a little jaded. Or untrusting that it can be easy. Remember, I’ve worked with thousands of clients and run my own company. I understand the problems, the struggle, and the cost related to funnels.

That’s why I built the solution. The solution isn’t just the platform. The solution is the coaching, the community, and the onboarding combined with the platform. You’re never alone in learning this and using it to grow your business fast.

Today, operating a business for a coach or course creator requires a lot of moving parts and marketing to get in front of the right people… your people. Unless you want to stay chained to your laptop 24/7 you just can’t reach the volume of people or level of visibility without help.

FunnelCures™️ is your help (at $297 a month, that’s not too bad!)

The number of businesses using funnels is only climbing. Without mastering this technology, you’ll likely fall behind quickly. You’ll get buried by those who HAVE mastered it. This is totally unnecessary.

I’m here to help coaches and course creators just like you make your impact faster and make it reach further with a working funnel, while you live life!

I see the problem and it's the current tech marketing telling you how you need all these parts and pieces and each costs a fair chunk of cash. That’s simply not true. The technology exists to do everything you need to do in one platform without complexity, overwhelm or frustration. 

It’s affordable too!

We’re disrupting the marketing automation industry, so get ready for some change!

My team and I are offering to give you an unprecedented chance at success.

Join FunnelCures Now and Get a Done-For-You Course Funnel

at a Do-It-Yourself Price.

I’m Tammy Lane,

the Tech Doc behind FunnelCures

My amazing team and I have been creating funnels since the dawn of Facebook, and in those years I’ve brought in more than $20 million of sales online.

So, you could say we’ve got some experience.

Before I spotted the enormous gap screaming for a simple, one-stop funnel product, I spent some significant time in the trenches creating my own multi-million-dollar businesses - three times!

I’ve also worked as a CPA (Accountant) which means I look at everything with a risk vs reward perspective and always ensure the numbers will make sense for our clients.

For more than 15 years, my team and I have been building 7 figure Facebook funnels for my private clients so they can reap the benefits of never-ending, high-quality leads, clients, and sales while they do great things in the world.

After realizing it could have been so much quicker, cheaper and way less painful if I’d just had the right solution to start with (for myself and my clients), I decided to build the solution.

That pain and frustration is what led to FunnelCures™️.

I’m Tammy Lane,

the Tech Doc behind FunnelCures

My amazing team and I have been creating funnels since the dawn of Facebook, and in those years I’ve brought in more than $20 million of sales online.

So, you could say we’ve got some experience.

Before I spotted the enormous gap screaming for a simple, one-stop funnel product, I spent some significant time in the trenches creating my own multi-million-dollar businesses - three times!

I’ve also worked as a CPA (Accountant) which means I look at everything with a risk vs reward perspective and always ensure the numbers will make sense for our clients.

For more than 15 years, my team and I have been building 7-figure Facebook funnels for my private clients so they can reap the benefits of never-ending, high-quality leads, clients, and sales while they do great things in the world.

After realizing it could have been so much quicker, cheaper and way less painful if I’d just had the right solution to start with (for myself and my clients), I decided to build the solution.

That pain and frustration is what led to FunnelCures™️.

Tick Tock... 

Time Flies...

Just 200 FREE DFY funnels available.  If you know your business needs a funnel, PLEASE get yours before they're gone!

Just $297 today to save your DFY Funnel!

© FunnelCures Inc. - All rights reserved. This page was created with a lot of ♥ - specifically for you as a talented coach, consultant, or course creator wanting to scale your business online.

FunnelCures Inc. is not a part of Facebook™️ Inc. This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™️ in any way. 

Facebook™️ is a trademark of Facebook™️ Inc.